Foto: Andero Kalju

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Ukraina lipud

New volunteers welcome to make camouflage nets for Ukraine

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Come and listen! Doctoral students give inspiring short lectures to present the latest research

Best in the Baltics

The University of Tartu is the leading university in the Baltics in the field of information technology and is one of the 250 best universities in the world in the ranking of Times Higher Education Universities in the field of Computer Science.

Information about the institute

Research-intensive entrepreneurship with the industry

One of the main tasks of the University of Tartu is to support the development of a science-based society. This requires strong research, high-quality higher education and effective collaboration with companies and the public sector. At the Institute of Computer Science, we have developed very diverse collaboration formats for this purpose, which allows companies to start cooperating with the university to the desired extent and volume.

Find out more
#international #news
On 9 October, the President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will visit the University of Tartu.
#research #news
Brüsselis avatud näitusel tutvustatakse Eesti teadlasi, kes on pälvinud Euroopa Teadusnõukogu grandi. Näitusel saab lugeda ka Tartu Ülikooli üheteistkümne silmapaistva teadlase ERC projektist.
#for student #research #for society #news
The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
#culture #news
The concert “180 years from Clara Schumann’s concerts in Tartu”, which will take place on 11 October at 18:00 in the university assembly hall.